Saturn Repair: 96 sl1 saturn is loading up, cylinder head, coolant

My 96 saturn (1.9)starts fine when its cold but idle's around 1800 rpm. After warm it doesn't want to start. I can hold the gas pedal down to the floor and it will finally start but seems that it was flooded. Injectors were already changed but did not fix the problem. Thanks

Hello. You need to first check your coolant sensor located in the cylinder head under the upper hose. Remove the connecter then the sensor if the tip of the sensor is plastic and cracked it is shot. There is a new updated brass tipped one. Replace it with that. Then inspect the inside of the connecter. Look for any signs of corrosion. If any you'll need to splice in a new connecter. All in all the cost for both parts should be 40 dollars. Good luck.