Saturn Repair: 1998 Saturn SL2 emergency brake, saturn sl2, rear brakes

Hi, i have a e-brake problem. the e-brake lever is loose like it is not connected to anything. if i pull it up, it just drops back down. i pulled the middle console between the seats out, and turns out it was disconnected. when i went to re-connect, the e-brake still did not work, and the cables i reconnected were not tight, so they fell of again anyhow. i have been getting into the whole "do-it-yourself" thing lately, and would like to try to fix it. I've dealt with this for a few months now with a 5 speed manual car, and always having to keep in in gear when i park. any advise  would be great. thanks a lot.

Hi Adam

You might just have to replace the whole e-brake system......somewhere along that line the cable may have broken.....cheack at the rear brakes as well......make sure all is in tact if not replace the system, your saftey is important