Saturn Repair: intake gasket, 2002 saturn sl1, saturn sl1
QuestionHi Chris. I own a 2002 saturn sl1 and today I found out that i have a cracked intake gasket (big, expensive repair). Seems a bit steep I only have 45k miles. The saturn deeler assured me their was no re-call. Any suggestions? and any resons why this happened? Also I read a response you gave BO about his "sluggish" saturn. I have had a problem with that also and you mentioned a recall? anything I can have the saturn deeler check while I have my gasket repaired?
The intake gasket should not cost you more that $45 for parts and 3.5 hours times the shop's labor rate to fix. (3.5 x $75 = $262.50) That's a high labor rate, but just to give you an idea. A lot of dealerships, I have noticed, are charging WAY too much for this repair due to the fact that they are using an outdated Labor Time Guide. If you need a copy of the correct labor time, just ask. There was no recall on this defect, even though it affected many Saturns. I don't know of any active recalls for your vehicle. If I find one I'll let you know. Hope this helps.