Question"I have a 2001 Saturn SL2 auto trans with about 83000 miles on
it. When ever I drive the car about 10 miles or more, I notice
an intermittent squeaking coming from the vicinity of the driver
s side CV joint near where the axle goes into the transmission.
I only hear it at low speeds, so I jacked up the driver s side
and rotated the tire slowly to pinpoint the squeaking. It
will not do it when the car is cold, but the squeaking seems to
originate near where the axle enters the transmission on the
driver s side. All CV boots are good, and show no signs of
cracking or leaking. Any help you could give would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks."
I'm sorry. That's one of those questions that I'd have to see the problem to answer. The only thing that should be squeaking on that end of the car is the brake rotor or the wheel bearing. Nothing inside your transmission should ever squeak. Hope this helps.