Saturn Repair: 200 LS2 6 cyl. air conditioning, thermal expansion valve, orifice tube
QuestionCould you please tell me where the Orifice tube is located for the air conditioner? Is it accessable under the hood OR in the dash?
I was told I need a line-set from the evaporator to the condeser/ compressor and that if the Orifice tube needs to be replaced it could be costly depending on it's location.
Your vehicle has what is called a "Thermal Expansion Valve". That is just another way of Saturn saying, "We're going to make this more complicated so it will cost you more to fix." Actually it was GM, not Saturn. Anyway, it is located where the high and the low pressure pipes meet at the firewall. It is not fun to replace with that 6-cyl in your way. And yes, it is quite costly. It is a 4" x 2" aluminum rectangle that sits between the high/low manifold (engine side of firewall) and the evaporator case (cab side of firewall). It is accessed from under the hood, but with a labor time of almost three hours just for replacing it, it's not easy to get to.