Saturn Repair: turns over but wont start, battery test, position sensor
QuestionI have a 2001 SL 4dr. I drive it for about 1/2 hour and an hour later it will turn over but not start. 4 hours later it starts fine. I've even tried starting it right after I park it, and it starts fine, so something happens as it sits there for a while. Its been doing this repeatedly. It used to just start sort of slow now & then so I had it checked out. 3 places can't figure it out. I replaced the battery in Oct, even though they did a load test and it was ok, the starter and spark plugs a month ago, and recently replaced the plug wires. Took it in to Saturn 2 weeks ago and it started fine of course, they found no codes on it, battery test was fine. Now it's been doing the no start thing every day since 5/12 and I need it for work. Does my saturn have a timing chain or belt? I've read that could create an intermittent no-start. Because I have been hearing a whistling sound for a long time like a belt is loose, usually on cold starts. So I'm wondering if its a belt that gets too hot and slips. I've also read that it could be the crank position sensor because saturns have had problems with that. Please help me, I'm afraid to go anywhere unless I plan on being there for 4 hours at least.
More than likely you have either a fuel pump or crank position sensor problem. The '01 S-series is prone to a fuel pump bleeding down, and possibly not pressurizing upon startup. That particular year did not have many problems with the CPS, but you can't rule that out. If your vehicle spins over freely, but refuses to start, I would probably tell you to have the CPS replaced (the cheaper of the two repairs). If you have an intermittent no-start, or stall while driving, it is more than likely your fuel pump. Neither of these problems will throw a definitive code to let the technician know what is happening.
Your Saturn has a timing chain. I don't think that has anything to do with what is going on though.
I hope this helps,