Saturn Repair: Sluggish Saturn, saturn l series, catylitic converter
QuestionOwn a 2002 Saturn L Series 4 cyn, with 43K miles. Recently very sluggish upon acceleration to the point of bogging down. Changed air, fuel filters. New plugs, cleaned throttle body. Ran fuel cleaner through intake body. Made no difference. Changed out catalytic converter and car ran fine for about 1000 miles. Now getting sluggish again ( no power), gas mileage going down. There have never been any engine codes. What's my next step. O2 sensor or a bad thermostat? Could a injector be clogged?
I hope you didn't pay for that catylitic converter, it's covered under an Emissions warranty for 80K miles. The next step that I would take if I were you, would be to replace the spark plugs and ignition control module (silver box attached to the ignition coil housing). This will more than likely take care of your problem. If you have never had the recall (there is a recall that pertains to your vehicle, and it's current condition) performed on your vehicle, it's time to take it in.