Saturn Repair: EGR valve, saturn sl1, saturn dealers

To replace the EGR valve on my '99 Saturn SL1, do I need to disable the anti-theft (radio)feature as described in owner manual before servicing major systems?  Different Saturn dealers tell me conflicting things as to need to do so and method of disabling. Do I need to disable anti-theft?  How? WHY?  How do I acquire 4-digit anti-theft code without taking vehicle to dealer?

 If you are only replacing a Linear EGR valve (the kind that's on your vehicle), don't bother with diabling the radio.  If you don't unplug your battery, you won't have anything to worry about it.  Bottom line:  unless you are servicing something electrical on your vehicle (alternator, starter), don't unplug the battery.  Now, depending on your model of radio there is a way to retrieve the code that you need.  The bad thing is that you have to use the code that you get from your radio, call an 800 number and receive a code to put into your radio.  More or less, it's just another little racket to get vehicle owners to spend money at the service department.  Don't worry, that was a GM idea, not a Saturn one.  Go ahead and replace your EGR valve, without unpluging your battery.  I promise that the procedure should go off without a hitch, but if for some reason your radio does go into security mode, I'll show you how to get it out.  Let me know how it works out.  
