Saturn Repair: Diagnose problem with straining on changing gears, bumping when applying brakes., wind shield wipers, windshield wiper transmission

1993 Saturn, 4 door (bought at auction, may have been sitting up.)  Has a straining sound on changing into 2nd gear, 20 -30 mph; makes a bumping sound when applying brakes; slight jerking, lunging at lower speeds--disappears on accelaration.  Replaced a part that controls the wind shield wipers (mechanic said something about part having 3 prongs, one maybe connected to transmission?  What could it be?  How to repair?  Is it worth it?

 Here are some quick answers for you in the order that you asked your questions:

1.  Have never heard a straining sound when going from 1st to 2nd.  Possibly low on transmission fluid (automatic) or you have a bad set of synchronizer rings (manual)

2.  Your bumping sound is probably a loose lower control arm bolt (common problem on older S-series).

3.  the only thing that I can come up with as far as jerking or lunging at lower speeds is a misfire,  check your plugs and wires, if they look old, replace them.

4.  the windshield wiper transmission has three bolts that hold it to the cowl of your vehicle.  It's just about a pain in the butt to replace, but not too expensive.  

If you have something more specific in mind, please let me know.  Best of luck to you
