Questionwhat is the most efficient way to remove the alternator...and can it be done without removing the
power steering unit (icky)
p.s. nut on alternator that I do have access to (can see after wheel and guard removal) seems to be frozen to the post...any suggestions as I am pretty sure I shouldnt be cutting those off.
This is how I do it. It involves raising the vehicle just enough to get under it. FIRST, BE CAREFUL! Second, here you go:
1. Disconnect battery
2. Remove the serp belt
3. Remove the top bolt of the alternator(13-mm) usually it's really tight
4. Raise and support front end of vehicle
5. Get under vehicle, remove alt. pivot bolt (long 13-mm bolt and nut, apply pressure on both sides to remove the stubborn ones)
6. Disconnect electrical connections from alternator.
7. Lightly tap in-board side lower end of alternator w/hammer to loosen the sliding sleve.
This is where it gets tricky
8. You will have to pivot, turn and pull the alternator down through the gap between the cradle and the firewall. There is a power steering hose that will get in your way, don't bend it too bad, but make sure that you don't tear it up with the alternator.
9. Pull the alternator out between the cradle and firewall (this may take multiple tries, just keep putting the alternator into different positions, it will clear that gap)
This is how I do it Jon. Some people might do it through the wheel well, and some might take off the PS pump. I have found this way to be the easiest. Keep after it, and don't give up. Let me know how it turns out.