Saturn Repair: starter, lifetime warranty, many thanks

I just thought I would write you back and tell you that you were 100% correct about my cars problem. I am the one who had the car that would not do anything when I turned the switch. It was indeed the starter again. My repair shop put one on it this time with a lifetime warranty. At least that way all I will have to pay for is the labor if it happens again.  many thanks

 Thank you very much.  Just to let you know, most times (not all) you can get the repair shop to charge the part supplier for the labor.  It is a sometimes unspoken warranty that the parts house will have witht the repair facility.  If your new starter, the one with a lifetime warranty, ever goes out, ask your repair facility if they can get the supplier to foot the bill for labor.  You have a 50% chance of walking away without a bill.  Hope this helps in the future.  
