Saturn Repair: 1994 SL2 Has Engine Bog.Loss Of Power, muffler shop, problem thanks
QuestionMy 1994 SL2 has a bog.When you are at a stop and take off,say at 1/4 throttle it does not have take off power until you give it almost full throttle.And when it shifts through the gears at normal throttle[once it starts to move] it bogs.Also once you get up to 45 mph and give normal throttle it wont go any faster until you keep giving it throttle and it downshifts to a lower gear. This is at its worse when at operating temp.No check engine light comes on.It starts fine.
I can't say for sure that this is your problem. I doubt it would be a fuel pump. Go down to your local muffler shop and have them test it. They will usually do it for free in about 15 minutes. The check engine light would probably not come on because your vehicle is a '94 and does not have heated O2 sensors. Anyway, let me know how it comes out, or if there are any other circumstances that I need to know about to help you with this problem. Thanks,