Saturn Repair: Cooling Fan, sc1 coupe, fan motor
QuestionI have a 1994 SC1 coupe and the fan only works sometimes. I have tested the fan motor and plug and replaced the fan relay and fuse, but the problem persists. I'm thinking now that I may need to change the temperature sensor but I don't know what this looks like or where it is located. Do you have any ideas?
AnswerWhile I don't know the solution right off the top of my head, others have requested info about similar problems. More than likely it is the fan relay not switching on. Your guess of the sensor may also be correct. Sorry I can't offer a more solid reply. I believe the relay is one of the ones located under the hood near the wheel well. When it is working ocrrectly, you should hear a click when it is engaged. (Stethascope on the outside of the relay will allow you to hear it).
Best of Luck,
Greg Moore