Saturn Repair: 94 saturn computer, crank shaft, saturn computer

I recently replaced the engine in my 94 sc2 with one from a 93. The engine runs well at idle and above 25 mph. At start off it will stall, chug or go with no power. I'm thinking I need to match the computer and got the module from the 93. Where is the module located in the 94 and do you have any other ideas. Also two sensors between the starter and the alternator appear to be different.

Thank you


Hi Vince,
You have come across a common probl;em but it isn't as bad as you may think.
The sensor changes made from 1992 and 1993 model with the 1994-1996 models are minor.  The comp[uter will work from your 1994 on the 1993 engine BUT the sonsors will continuously trip the eroor codes and cause the check engine light to come on.  THe big one that should have been different is the Crank Angle Senor located and the back of the engine above the starter.  That one is totally different including the connector.  You can just take the Crank sensor from the 1994 engine and put it in the 1993 engine an the 1994 computer will recognize it correctly.  The only difference is the distance the sensor's tip is from the crank shaft...more space between the crank and senor causes the fault code in the computer but doesn't effect performance at all. The stalling and chugging is probably more due to clogged fuel injectors or a leak in the air intake. I don't no the location of the cpu in the 1994.
Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
Best of Luck,
Greg Moore