Saturn Repair: 1992 Saturn, voltage regulator, alternator

My 1992 Saturn has been an amazing car, but recently it keeps dying.  The first time I had to have it towed to the shop and they replaced the battery.  A week later it did the same thing, but I was able to get it jumped.  The people at the shop said the alternator was fine, but the battery was testing low, but they couldn't find what was draining it.  A week later, just yesterday, it died again.  Do you have any idea what could be happening?

I don't know much about this BUT I can offer a few opinions on the subject.
The problem DEFINATELY sounds like alternator.  Get a second opinion.  Plus, there is the chance that your battery is not holding a charge because of the could be a bad battery.
Outside of that, there ins't much that could be the culprit. Satruns don't have a Voltage regulator, per is all controlled by the Computer.
Again, I am sorry I don't have much insite for you. Have that Alternator rechecked.  I had to replace mine TWICE! for the exact same problem you describe here.
Thanks for the question,
Greg Moore