Saturn Repair: Saturn Will Not Fire Now, torque wrench, reset button
Recently replaced valve gasket on my SL2 dohc engine. (200,102K miles, 1994) Will admit, I did have trouble reading the torque wrench. Broke one bolt & filled it with gasket putty. Put in new plugs (Boosh-sp?-#2) However, now it will not fire. Will not turn over. At turn of key, it clicks once, nothing else. Is there a magical reset button to flip (ha)? I'll double check my wire configuration--but 90% sure 1-2-3-4 is hooked to 4-1-2-3.
Gene Lancaster
Answerhi so it wont role over? did u forget to put a ground wire back on?or forget any wires,, were the spark plugs the right ones.. ie were they too long? but the chances are the battery is low or u mised a ground wire . just recheck and look for roken wires etc...