Saturn Repair: 94 SC2 issues, 1994 saturn sc2, saturn sc2
QuestionOk... I have a 1994 Saturn SC2... The fan works, but does not come on when the temp gauge reads just under midway... only when it's pegged. I have replaced both temp sensor units to no avail. The fan would come on if i turned the a/c on, until recently, which brings me to the next problem. When i purchased the car, the a/c control head was dead. I replaced it, and it worked, until several nights ago. Now, the fan does not come on when the ac switch is engaged, no does the compressor clutch engage. This tells me the problem is before the PCM (as the idle does not increase to compensate for the power loss when ac is on). so... any ideas? It may also be helpful to let you know that the EGR valve is faulty, and I have since disconnected that system. I am more concerned about the cooling fan not engaging, which makes it very hard to sell. I also am aware that saturns' fans aren't supposed to activate until the coolant reaches 216 F, but the gauges should be calibrated accordingly, right? HELP PLEASE!!!
Answerthe gauges have been wrong before the best bet is to put it on a scanner and the scanner will tell u what the computer is seing and if it hot enough to turn the fan on is possible your gaouge is wrong... now for your ac it may be empty no r12 left u will have to ohave it checked if it is empty it wont work make sense
let me know and good luck