Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): gas blower

QUESTION: Blower will start,but only run for 3-5sec

ANSWER: How old is the blower?

Has the carburetor been rebuilt?

Are the fuel lines stiff and/or yellow colored?

What brand of blower?

What is the blower model number?

What is the compression (PSI)?

Let me know.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Blower,Barbuda32cc
Newgasline,spark,starts oonfirstpull when pouring smallamount of fuel in carb runs strong 3-5secyu

If it starts on prime (pouring fuel in carb) then odds are the compression is fine.

Why did you replace the fuel line?  Was is hard, brittle and cracking?

If so, the carburetor diaphragm is made out of similar materials.  When the metering (carb) diaphragm get hard it will prevent the carb from working.

Did you inspect the carb metering diaphragm?

Lots of videos on You Tube on rebuilding blower, string trimmer and chainsaw carbs.  Easy to do and parts are cheap if you know where to look.
