Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Kaaz weed whacker fuel tank

Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Kaaz weed whacker fuel tank
Kaaz K20  
I have an older Kaaz K20 weed whacker. The fuel tank has 2 caps, and one (the smaller) appears as though it may be for a primer bulb, yet on the bottom of the carb there is a primer I believe. I have never seen a carb with a slide cylinder inside (carb like a motorcycle) that had a primer, I would so appreciate any input on the matter.
Thank You So Much for your time, Sincerely, Dave W. Oregon.

I don't recall primers on those style carbs.  Is it a TK carburetor?

Is the engine a Mitsubishi T12P-3?

Must be a really rare unit, obviously imported.

Not much on the US internet.  Only one part found on Ebay.

Are the 2 fuel lines connected to the carburetor?
