Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): MTD craftsman lawn tractor

I received a Craftsman/MTD lawn tractor, model # 13A0672G129 with a Tecumseh 15.5 engine.  It came from an estate sale so I have no history of it.  The engine starts fine, but when you try to increase throttle it loads up and coughs black smoke from the exhaust.  The choke is on when I start it, and when it warms up I pull it back off.  The butterfly inside the air intake is open, and it only revs when I stick a leaf blower into the air intake- essentially turbo charging the engine.  The old fuel was drained, and new gas added.  What can I do to fix the issue?  Serial number is 1D262B80082.  thanks.

Good troubleshooting technique...adding air which is leaning the fuel mixture.

You need to remove, dis-assemble and clean the carb with compressed air from an air compressor and spray can carb cleaner as something is either blocked or dirty inside the carb.

It is possible the float is leaking and allowing to much gas to enter the carb.  Either way you still have to remove and clean the carb even to inspect the float.
