Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honda gx270 9hp
QuestionQUESTION: put new carb on - it starts on choke every time but and once reaches high rev shuts down and sounds like it wants to stay running but shuts down - if I spray gas in carb - it will stay running as long as I do that. I put new tank valve shut off on with rubber grommet and new gas line to carb. It is getting all the gas it needs because once it shuts down I can grab rope and one pull fire right back up and repeats. Disconnected wire from oil sensor - still does same thing - only thing I am not sure about is the idle coil pack with 2 wire running in to control panel - not sure what that does or how it works - I disconnected that and also shut off auto idle on machine as it is a generator. Not sure where to go from here. Don't know what to do next - talked to a local shop and they said I done everything they would have done - I keep going to the idle coil pack or oil sensor in engine - it is full of oil. Any ideas ?
ANSWER: The oil sensor is not likely the cause. With the engine run if you disconnect the oil sensor?
What model generator do you have?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Wacker G4.5 - No - engine will start but not run with oil sensor disconnected. Seems no matter what I do it will start but shuts right down once it hits the high idle I keep thinking I am missing something and what ever it is is so simple. I put new gaskets in when installed new carb. - would there be an issue if there was a spacer missing installing carb ? I bought this thing used in this condition - maybe someone removed a spacer or forgot to put one back on ?? Doesn't seem like it would be the issue but I don't have a close up diagram of gaskets - spacer install. Any ideas would help - it does have high test new gas in as well - oil was changed as well.
AnswerNot much lists and service very difficult to find.
Are there any wires connected to the carburetor?
Are there any wires that control a module that control the throttle linkage?
Can you attach some pictures of the wires you mentioned?