Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): chainsaw tuning

QUESTION: Can you explain a good procedure for proper chainsaw carb tuning?  Proper sequence of which screws and such?  Or recommend a good guide on doing it?  Thanks

ANSWER: Check Walbro carburetor website and look for You Tube videos.

Tip:  The LOW speed needle is always closest to the engine.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So the saw, a craftsman 50cc 20", ran better today.  This was the first time it was taken out and cut with.  This saw is basically a Poulan and Husqvarna mixture.  It seemed to bog some when I would give it throttle to rev up and also some bog with full throttle in log.  So the bog when accelerating, is that the low speed screw?  Obviously the high speed screw is full throttle and cutting in log.  Thanks

Usually you can richen the low speed needle to remove the bog when accelerating.  You can also turn the idle up a little to help.

Adjusting the low will effect the high a little bit and vice versa...not too much but a little.

Try turning the low needle out a little and the turning up the idle just a bit.

Are there limiter caps on the needle jets?
