QuestionQUESTION: I have a MiniMac 35 which would not fire. Roudly discovered, after absolutely completely disassembling entire machine, that it has points. That's ok, thought about changing to electronic but couldn't figure where electronic would go in the tightly compacted confines of the machine's housing. My question (should I ever be able to reassemble chainsaw, which is very doubtful): What is the point's setting? I guarantee that I will let you know should this labor of interest be successful. Thanks, Michael
ps, that anti spam thing is a killer, must reenter multiples of times.
ANSWER: Set at .018 of an inch...specs says .020 but I've had some that would not run on high speed at that gap...0.018 works well on older saws.
FYSA, that is one of the most difficult saws to fix because, as you know, you have to dis-assemble the whole saw to get to anything.
Is the carb in good shape? Often times those old carb diaphragms and gaskets are stiff and brittle and the saw won't run.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Eric, am not sure you received my response to your answer to question above (I hit "clear") response disappeared. I really appreciate your advice. I did check carb, diaphragms are flexible, cleaned ports, seems ok. Again, should I am able to reassemble machine, doubtful, at least points will be at proper setting. Thanks again, Michael
AnswerWhen re-assembling make sure you do not pinch the fuel line...I've done this in the past.
You can also search You Tube for McCulloch repair videos. That saw was labeled as many different models. If a saw in a video looks similar to yours it is the similar enough that the repair procedures are the same.
Decent video: