unit pics
sear model
QUESTION: I have a Craftsman 3.5 hp edger model # 536796516 code 7278. i was given the unit not running with the help of starting fluid and a good carb cleaning it will run for a few seconds then die. I want to replace the carb, I know it is a tecumseh but cannot find what model engine or carb, i contacted sears but they will not divulge that info and will only sell a sear replacement part for $80. On Amazon I found a carb with good reviews but want to make sure it is for direct replacement of the current carb but again do not know a model number..
Can you provide any assistance please?
ANSWER: Did you use a flashlight and look on the engine starter housing for stamped engine model or a stick with the model number?
The engine model number should be a 143.xxxxx.
Let me know what the engine model number is.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
ser. number
QUESTION: found the number 143784102 ser7266B
AnswerYou have a Tecumseh H30-35374S engine.
The carburetor part number is Tecumseh 632615.
Your carb maybe be a diaphragm style but the replacement float style will work on your engine. I prefer the float style over the diaphragm style.
You may have to replace the air filter housing but that is an easy to do job and the parts are cheap.
The parts lists shows the engine may have been a snow blower engine but it should work fine with the float style carb and an air filter.
You may have to order Tecumseh 35797 along with the screws, o-ring, cover and air filter.The Ebay URL shows a picture to the air filter collar. These are very popular and should be able to find all used parts at you local mower repair shop for less than $20.00.