QUESTION: This cultivator/trimmer has never been used but has sit around for several years. The engine is the 4 stroke 24 cc engine. I replaced the carb, fuel lines etc. I then discovered that there is no spark. I took the cover off the machine. I can;t figure out how to get the ignition model on the machine. Any idea what I need to take apart to expose this module? Thanks much.
ANSWER: You need to remove the rear engine cover to gain access to the ignition module.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I removed the four screws on the red cover on the front of the engine, The spark plug wire runs right into the engine above that cover. I assume that is the cover you are talking about. Should that cover "pop off" with the removal of those 4 screws - or is there something else to remove? Thanks for any ideas.
ANSWER: Looking at a similar model the cover should pop off but some models may have additions screws/parts that will need to be removed to access the ignition module.
Are you sure there is no spark? Did you dis-connect the external electrical connections and check for spark?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I bought a new plug. Put the plug in the end of the spark plug wire - held it against the metal part of the engine and no spark when the starter rope was pulled. I did the same on the ordinal plug which looked new - also no spark. Like I previously mentioned, the compression is really good. Thanks for your help..
AnswerDid you dis-connect all the electrical connections and test for spark?
It is possible the on/off switch is bad or a wire is bad. If you still have no spark with the on/off switch dis-connected then you will need to remove the rear cover to access the ignition module. Dis-connect the small wire connected to the ignition module and test for spark again. If no spark then the module is bad.