Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Loud whinning from clutch or brake at idle

QUESTION: Honda Harmony 215 mower that I just replaced the oil pan gasket.
Runs perfect but there is a loud scrapping noise coming from the clutch or brake plate BEFORE the clutch is engaged.  Once the clutch is engaged the noise stops completely and the mower just purrs.   Should the surface on the motor side of the Driven Disk AND inside the Drive Pulley be shinny metal?  It seems dark and burned.  And should the teeth of the Clutch Spring have lube where they meet the Blade Holder.

THANK YOU very much for you help.  The shop manual is only good for the order the parts go but not what causes issues.

ANSWER: Go to the URL below:

Read the section on model number identification and send me the full model number of you mower so I can see which one you have.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your reply!   The model is HRB-215 and no serial number...not too old so guessing a K3.     I am now thinking it is the radial bearing on the blade holder which is quite rough when I spin it on my finger.   Can that make so much noise and then stop when I engage the clutch.


Yes, bad bearing are pretty common on some models...just haven't had too many bad bearings on Hondas.  If the bearing feels rough by hand it will definitely make noise.

Is the bearing replaceable?  Some are easy to replace and others you need a press to remove and install a new bearing. I have recently been replacing a lot of John Deere bearing on the Wagner clutches.
