QuestionQUESTION: I have a 3200 Mc Culloch chain saw, I had to replace all fuel hoses and I did not identify the fuel inn- port to the carburator.
One port is black and the other is gold. Can someone tell me to which of the two ports I have to attach the gas tank supply hose? (The hose with the filter).
Thank you for your help.
ANSWER: Take a look at this You Tube video:
The fuel pump side of the carb is the side with only 1 screw. The metering side of the carb has 4 screws. The line from the tank, with the filter, connects to the connection on the fuel pump side of the carb.
Let me know if this helps.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thank you for your prompt and clear response, yoe exceeded my expectations as well as putting the McCulloch service support to shame. I written them asking the same question 3 days ago and I am still waiting for their answer.
I really appreciate your help in this crushal point.
The bottom line of my issue is that not knowing if the feed lines were properly installed I didn't know the next step to take. Now I have a clearer road. My chain saw still will not even attempt to start, so I belive that the residue of the rottedout hoses most likely plugged small openings and or screen in my carburator, so unless you think different, I have but 3 choices: 1- Buy a new carburator 2- Buy a kit to rebuild it or 3- Take to a repair shop. Option 1 maybe too expensive.2- if the kit is reasonably priced I think I am mechanically able to do the job ( I watched a number of youtube videos) Option 3 I will require an estimate before deciding. If you care to voice a final suggestion it will be welcome, although I know that you have lots of other people to help and you may not have the time.In any case, THANK YOU FOR THE HELP YOU PROVIDED.
AnswerIf you have an air compressor and some spray carb cleaner then just rebuild the carb. Kits are less than $20.00 delivered.
Now, if you do decide to rebuild the carb, be careful with the mixing needles...DO not mix them up and DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN!!! Gentle seating with a very small screwdriver is all they need.
I would actually count the number of turns you have to turn them to remove the mixing needles.
DO NOT remove the welsh (aluminum) plugs inside the carb unless you absolutely have
Pay attention to the inlet needle lever it flush with the bottom of the carb, higher or lower? Just make the replacement look similar to the one you remove...height wise.
Pay attention to the way the gaskets and diaphragms are arranged. On the metering side, the inlet needle side, the gasket goes first and then the diaphragm. It is just the opposite on the fuel pump side.
DOWNLOAD the service manual as well.
Sounds hard but it is a piece of cake...less than an hour even for a novice if you have an air compressor and some spray carb cleaner.
Let me know if this helps.