Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Tecumseh - no spark
QuestionI have a yardman chipper/shredder 8hp Tecumseh HM80-15548-IN with weak spark. So far I've replaced the SS module, spark plug, cleaned the magnet and gapped to .012". The wire for the kill switch is OK (not grounded). Can a weak magnet cause a weak spark?????
AnswerIn theory, yes a weak magnet could cause weak spark but I have never seen this in real world applications. Too slow of RPM is more likely to cause weak spark but again I've never seen this.
What or why do you believe you have weak spark? Are you using an inline spark tester with a 0.166 air gap to assist in determining the spark produced by the ignition model? Have you had the ignition model tested with an Imrie ignition tester to determine the voltage the ignition module is producing? The URLs below have information on the Imrie test tool.
Let me know why you believe you have weak spark.