Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): john deere 445 fuel pressure regularo

Hello Eric:  I have a John Deere 445 from 1997 with Electronic Fuel Injection.  This model uses the Kawasaki FD620D, John Deere is the only one that used this engine with EFI.

Over the years I have done many repairs such as replacing the polymer cam gear, piston rings, engine overhauls, etc.

I am not very knowledgeable about EFI.  The fuel pump works well.  The EFI module works correctly, the machine cycles correctly for the 2 seconds at start to pressurize the injector.  The coils and plugs have good spark and voltage.  The cylinders have excellent compression.

The machine does not start.  I notice when the plugs are off, that both cylinders have excess fuel spraying out of them.  They must flood the cylinders immediately at start so there is no combustion.

My question would be:  if the fuel regulator is the issue of malfunction, then the excess fuel is being sent to the manifold rather than back the the fuel return hose?

Is there a way to test the regulator? or I just have to replace it?



Checked the Kawasaki manuals we FI.  Additional research yielded what you know...JD only uses the FI model.

Have you read the info at the URL below?

or this URL?

Did you try brand new spark plugs?

From what I found on the net is appears fuel pressure is critical to have 25-27 PSI of pressure. You can get a fuel pressure tester at Harbor Freight.

If low or suspect:
Check for loose or damaged pressure hose from pump to sender assembly inside fuel tank.
Check for plugged fuel filter or bad wire connection (internal and external) at pump/sender assembly.
Check spark- normal blue crisp spark. If fouling then install AM101194 (BMR4A) plugs gapped at .035.  ALSO read .025 gap with Champion plugs worked.
Clean and check ground. - Use remote ground from engine to frame to insure ground is good.
Spray WD-40 around manifold and other gaskets.- checks for air leaks

Please let me know if this helps and what you find so I can add to the net.