Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): No Fire To Engine, starter solenoid, tractor model
QuestionMy tractor was running fine last week when I finished mowing. It is a Sears tractor model #917.255960 serial #0415925 00412 with an 18 horse Kohler engine model #M18QS spec #24665 serial #2207604248. Today,no response. I checked the seat and blade safety switches. Both good. Clutch switch for blades engages. Lights work. But, nothing happens when I turn the key to start the engine. Where do I check next? Thanks in advance!
Ron Williams
AnswerRon have you checked the fuses? also make sure the battery is can byPass the starter solenoid if you are careful by attaching a heavy duty wire from the battery to the starter post but do this real quick or else if left too long you may burn up the starter. If the starter moves then replace the starter solenoid.