QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
Got an old Kawasaki horizontal shift built for Keene Engineering
back when, believe it is a 1.5 hp, has "KT 17" on the side,
and this number on a label 311786B, and on the block 168445,
and that is all the numbers.
Question is, any ideas of why won't keep running? I though was a tang setting, but have bent them krazy with still the start and stop problem, cleaned jet, metering, air intake, and bowl, anc checked float.
Also, do you work on these old ones, or do you sell carb kits,
or know where I can buy one?
ANSWER: It's a 2 cycle so no valves to worry about. Have you checked the engine compression? Does the engine have points and condenser?
When was the last time the engine ran?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Not checked the compression with a compression meter, but seems to have a lot of kick to it.
I was thinking it was electronic ignition, but have not been able to find any information on it, guess due to its age, guessing from the 80's or older.
It ran for a while, yesterday, and then just dyed out.
Very hard to get to start, and always dies quickly there after, that is why I was thinking it could be the ignition.
ANSWER: Did you replace the spark plug? How long will it run before it stops? Does it start easy?
Let me know as this info can help me provide better advice.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Eric.
Plug seems fine, and not burnt at all.
Runs about 15 seconds and stops.
Very hard to start.
Do you have ideas on setting the tang?...
as I reset it several times, and if too low, it overflows,
and if too high it overflows.
May need a needle seat you think? I cleaned it, but it did not seem worn.
AnswerFloats are generally set about level when holding the carb upside down. I suspect the carb seat/needle is leaking...don't know where to find a new one. A pressure test would tell for sure. The float/needle should hold about 5 psi. Can you keep the engine running be squirting fuel into the carb...with no fuel mix in the fuel tank?