Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Husky chainsaw, diaphrams, flexiable
QuestionRead some of your older ?'s looking for an answer but could not find anything exact...I have a not to old inexpensive husqvarna I believe a 137 or 141 (stickers gone) very clean old saw, not abused...When cold it will crank right up but as you let the saw run to warm up within seconds it starts to race wildley and then stalls as if flooding itself out...pretty much impossible to start after that....I have adjusted many saws in the past but this seems like something other then an adjustment problem....any suggestions......Mark
AnswerHas the carb been removed and overhauled? Regardless I would remove and dis-assemble the carb and check the inlet needle arm height. Make sure the throttle is not binding. I would also remove and clean the muffler, spark arrestor and exhaust port. Finally, replace the spark plug.
These actions will eliminate the common causes and since your problem is a little weird I would start with the easy items.
When you have the carb apart, check to make sure the diaphrams are soft, plyable and flexiable. If they are stiff or rigid this could be your problem as the carb could be heating up and the diaphrams relaxing.