QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I have a craftsman 5/23 snow blower model C950 52475, that pours out fuel from carburetor after it has been running for awhile. This happens when I stop the engine or it dies. It is hard to start initially and when I try to get it to start again. I did pull apart the Carb and cleaned all the sludge off and blew out air through the float bowl needle tube. After this it still pours out fuel. Do I need a new Carb or am I missing something?
ANSWER: The most common problem based on the symptoms you described is a bad carburetor inlet needle seat and/or float.
I would start by replacing the inlet needle and seat.
Is one of the links below the service manual for your engine?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
craftsman 5/23
craftsman 5/23
Thanks for the suggestions. I will let you know how it went, once the parts get here and put in.
The links you gave me are not mine. When talking with sears Canada, they gave me an engine model # 143.744112. If you have the info, that would be great. Sears also gave a cross reference for the model number to 536.884800; if you have a link to a service manual, that would be totally awesome. But if not, that is okay. I am including some picks of my snow blower.
AnswerThe engine is a Tecumseh HS50-67247E. This is the engine repair manual link:
Page 17-22 cover removing and replacing the inlet needle seat...install new seat with grove facing down when you are holding the carb upside down to install the seat.
Leaking gas it very common on Tecumseh engines. The problem is the carb inlet needle seat and/or float.
The carb part number is Tecumseh 640084B (replaces 632107)
Inlet needle and seat part number Tecumseh 631021B
Float part number Tecumseh632816
Carb parts link:
Lots of You Tube videos on replacing/cleaning Tecumseh carbs.