Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Echo SRM-2100 Type 1E: Ignition Coil, compression gauge, fuel mix

QUESTION: Spray some starting fluid into carb then pull but nothing like no spark.
Sit the spark plug to carb then pull with witch on, get spark and there is no spark with switch off. Is that the sign of bad ignition coil? Thank you very much in advance.

ANSWER: Ignition coil sounds good.  Did you try a new spark plug?  How old is the fuel mix?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Put in new spark plug and the fuel mix about three weeks.
I bought this used weedeater about three weeks ago.
First, replace fuel lines, new fuel, new pump and spray some starting fluid in carb then pull, it run very good about three minutes then turn switch off.
The next day, pull but nothing happen, spray some starting fluid but no luck, ignition coil good, clean the muffler screen, put finger at spark plug hole then pull, I can feel the compress.
Do not know what's else I need to check? Is this really a major problem?
What's the kill switch? Is it the same meaning on/off switch.
Thank very much for your time and have great holiday.

ANSWER: Kill switch is the sam as on/off switch.

What do you mean "new pump"?  Very few problems with Echo igntion modules.  Almost always a fuel problem or spark plug.

Do you have a compression gauge to actually measure the compression?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: “Pump”, I means the “Pump Bulb”.

Get compression Test from Auto Zone. First, It reads 120 psi by six pull and reset the gauge, it reads 90 psi at six pull. Is it good?

On the web, one tells me to put the spark plug to engine wall and pull to check for spark with the kill switch off. Is it correct way? Because I have NO SPARK with switch off and spark with switch on. I am confuse.

I just want the engine runs even a very short time then my next step is rebuild the carb.

Thanks again for your help.

120 PSI is good...90 PSI is border line.

When putting the spark plug to the engine wall, you are grounding the elctrode and completing the circuit.  

With the switch off you should have no spark.  With the switch on you should have spark.  

Have you tried priming the engine with fuel mix squirted directly into the carburetor or spark plug hole?  If it tries to start by priming then the igntion is good and the compression should be find.  Thus you know you have a fuel delivery problem.
