Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): husquvarna riding mower2001 15hp, battery cables, cable ends
Questionhave a rider that is a 15 hp husquvarna mod cv 15s family sk4426u1g2rb spec#41587 fuel solinoid model #12757285. what the mower does is the main fuse shorts out when you hook up the part rite and what i mean is a good ground and the hot wire from the solinoid keep in mind that there is only 2 wires that go to this part. what it did before was that it would start fine but if ran for any lenth of time it would get warmed up and cut off and not start again until possible the next day. do you think you have a solution to my problem if it is the fuel solinoid can this mower run without this part due to it being so costly and a pain in the backside.
AnswerIt can run without the fuel solenoid but you would need to find a screw for the carburetor hole.
Is the fuse blowing? It's pretty rare for a fuel solenoid to cause the fuse to blow.
Do you have a voltmeter to check DC voltage and ohms?
Have you dis-connected the battery cables and cleaned the cable ends and battery posts with a wirebrush? I have fixed a lot of mowers just by cleaning the battery cable connections.