Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): mower, commercial landscaper, dry grass


I have trouble with my lawnmower, a Murray with a 5 hp Tecumseh,  not filling the bag more than a 1/3 full at the most, and this is dry grass.  Then it plugs up at the mouth of the bag and starts leaving grass behind.
Is it I need more horsepower to suck up the grass and blow it in to the bag or what?
If so , what size engine would you recommend and what brand mower,  something with not much repair problems?

Have you checked the type of blade that is on the mower? How old is this blade? Allot of times the blades get wore out they are made to either Mulch,cut or throw grass.It may be time to get a new blade,also check to make sure that there is nothing caught near the chute like a stick,wire or any other type of blockage.

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The blade is a mowing blade, it's in good shape, and there is nothing caught or obstructing the discharge.
What else could it be?

The only other problem may be is the If it is older and getting rusty underneath the deck you may have lost the sheet metal baffle that directs the clippings out the chute into the bag. If you remove the bag and mow do the clipping shoot out?  You need a sharp blade, you will be amazed what a difference it can make. Also, there are many different styles of blades, like Gator-blades (brand name, but made for mulching grass), high rise, and low rise. Low rise are quiet but don't bag grass well, and this is the type of blade most consumer mowers come with. If you really want to be able to bag well, you should get a compatible high-rise blade. The part of the blade that is bent, or turned up, behind the sharpened edge is much higher than on a low-rise blade. It generates more sucking force on the grass and more wind, and makes a night and day difference for bagging. You'll never see a commercial landscaper using low rise blades. The only downside to high-rise blades is that they are a bit noisier, but the performance advantage is worth it (get some earmuffs).