Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Murray rider, rider mowers, murray mower
QuestionI do not no what brand hydro-static drive is on this lawn mower. I test drove and when going forward it has a growling scrubbing noise, when going in reverse it sounds good. I want to purchase, but wondering is this easy fix. Any help would be great. Thanks, Ron
AnswerMost likely it is not an easy fix on the Murray mower. Most hydrostatic units on Murray rider mowers are considered unserviceable meaning they were not intended to be repaired. There are many companies that offer repairs for the Murray type hydros.
The only way I would purchase the mower is if you get it really cheap and the rest of the machine is in excellent condition.
Worst case a rebuilt hydro would run about $400-800.
What is the mower model number? Can you look under the mower at the hydro unit and give me the manufacture and model number of the hydro. If you get me the hydro info I can look up a more current price for a rebuilt or new unit.