Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): just replaced mandrell housing on murray lawnmower now need help, murray lawnmower, mandrels

Hi, i had to replace a broken mandrell housing on my murray lawnmower #42910x92a i had alot of bolts to remove to get the blade off and remove the housing, i had to remove two bolts that held down the pad to disengage the blade, but when i tried to put the new housing on i found it hard to get the pad to line up right, and so when i started to mower i had sparks flying out from underneath, it seems that the blade still runs when it is disenaged? so i tried to unbolt everything again and once more i could not get the holes to line up with the pad bracket? if you could help me that would be very helpful.

Are you referring to the brake pads that are suppose to keep the pulleys from moving when the blades are dis-engaged?

Is the pulley fully seated on the mandrel shaft?  Do you have the correct mandrels?  I recall Murray used the same mandrel housings for several mower models but there were different length shafts for different mowers.

The brake rivets should be roughly in the center of the pulley when the blades are dis-engaged.  How far off is the brake pad alignment?
