QuestionThe yellow wire is connected to the solenoid exciter post.
Is the white wire the starter or battery side of the solenoid? Looks like the battery side.
Is there 12 volts on the yellow wire with the key in the off, run and/or start position? There should only be power on the exciter post when then key in in the START position.
Let me know.
yes the
white wire is on battery side
there is 12v on yellow wire in all 3 positions....when key is off in run and in start position
AnswerCan you trace the yellow wire from the solenoid to the ignition switch or where ever the yellow wire goes?
The best way to trace the wire is by hand. Follow the wire the best you can by hand through the wire harness. If the wire get hard to follow in the wire harness just remove some of the wire harness tape or covering every foot to foot and a half so you can follow the wire. Just re-tape the area you exposed after you get this thing going.
An alternate tracing technique it to use you can hands by following the wire and a multimeter. Dis-connected the positve battery cable.
If you get to a point where you can't see the wire just connect one end of the meter to the end of the yellow wire, set the meter to measure ohms, and then probe the other end of a yellow wire when you find one. I would dis-connect the yellow from the solenoid to ensure you don't measure other circuits.
Let me know where the yellow wire connects to.