I have a Honda 24 hp v-twin gx670 (I am not sure of the year, I bought a golf cart of someone with this engine in it.) The serial Number is GCASK-100105S. (thats a five and an "S" at the end. The engine would originally not idle well so I did some things to try and remedy that.
So far I have adjusted the valves, replace both spark plugs, both ignition coils and the engine kill diode.( engine was also intermittently losing spark) I replaced the carburetor (long story) and checked the fuel pump (seems to be working properly.
The engine now runs great except for one problem. When I am riding with the throttle wide open or close to wide open it seems to be flooding the carb and then i instantly lose power. I have to immediately slow down and feather the engine back to get it going again. It also backfires when it does this. I am no expert so it is just a guess that it is flooding the carb. Immediately after this happened when I got home I took the air filter off and there was a small pool of gas in the air intake side of the carb.
There are a few things that i should mention as well (not sure if this will help your diagnosis)
1. When i ordered the new carb i forgot to get new gaskets(those are on order now and will be replaced. there was a slight tear in one so I'm not sure if this is causing a small air leak on intake side.
2. This engine has an aftermarket exhaust ( I know that can affect engine performance if not done correctly.
3. The exhaust has a tiny leak on one of the cylinders right as it leaves the engine. I have also ordered 2 new exhaust gaskets. The exhaust also has a big leak right out of the muffler (tailpipe has come loose off the muffler.
Those are the issues that could be contributing as well. I have tried everything I know to get this engine running and I am out of clues.
Thank you
Yes having gasket issues will have a affect on the engine especially the Honda carburetors. They can cause poor idling,performance, flooding and other problems. The after market exhaust really should have no problem unless it is in really bad shape having a leak will just make it run slightly rough.Bad or leaky gaskets will have a neg affect on the carb causing a lean issue, then the carb will have to try to compensate by sucking more fuel thus causing a flooding on top end. If you send me a e-mail to this address i will send you our Honda service help and repair for this carburetor.
Send to
[email protected]
make a note about what we discussed so as I can get you the right manual.