Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Toro rear engine rider 56150 brake not working, dowel pins, dowel pin
QuestionI just bought a Toro professional 8/32 rear engine rider model # 56150 and can't figure out how to get the brake to work. The brake foot lever moves freely. I followed the linkage back to the transmission and can't seem to figure out how it is suppose to work. When viewing nothing seems to be missing but I'm sure there must be a part missing. I've viewed the transmission on parts tree and can't figure out what is missing. The brake lever is attached to the transmission but there isn't anything connected to it that might stop the transmission moving. (looks like something is suppose to press up against circular wheel looking diaphram?). Any ideas?
AnswerHave you checked out the link below:
There is a disc brake on the transmission. The most common reason the brake stops working is because the brake pin dowels get dirty and rust over time. To fix the problem you need to remove the the brake assemble from the transmission. When removing pay attention the the dowel pins and brake pucks. You will find a small metal plate behind the brake puck on the dowel pin housing. DO NOT loose this little metal plate.
With the brake assembly off remove the dowel pins and clean with a wirebrush or sandpaper. They should be shiny clean when done. Next clean the dowel pin holes. I use a small drill bit with a piece of steelwool on the end of the bit. Just run the bit/steelwool through the holes and they will be clean as new.
Lube the pins with some light grease. Re-assemble brake assembly and connect linkage. Set parking brake and adjust brake until it is tight enough to hold the mower in place. Release the parking brake and make sure the mower rolls easy. Re-adjust the brake if needed.
Let me know if this helps.