Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honing question 2 cycle cylinder, flex hones, ball hone

What's been your experience in honing a 2 cycle cylinder if you have lost some compression and want to re-ring and then fond you have some scratches?  The alternative is to throw the saw away or hone, or hand sand.

There are ball/flex hones and flat stone hones.  Which are better and what grit?  Some say 2 cycle walls are usually plated, and we know we need to go lightly.

Some folks say the ball/flex hone might round the edges of the ports. With the flat stones - will they work on a cylinder with ports? It seems they might become askew and try to enter the ports.

Thanks for any tips.

Not very much success on smaller 2 cycle jugs.  I have been successful on 2 cycle engines but they usually do not have the same style ports in the cylinder.

You are correct about the lining, many times the cyclinder are chrome line.  

As for honing, I have tried the flat and ball type hones.  If you have a drill press and can secure the jug the ball hone might work better.  Either way I have ended up chipping and breaking hones on the cylinder jug ports.  

How much is a new cylinder jug kit?  If the scratches are too deep I would just ring it and see how long it runs.
