Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): honing 2 cycle cylinder, ball hone, ball hones
QuestionWhat's been your experience in honing a 2 cycle cylinder if you have lost some compression and want to re-ring and then fond you have some scratches? The alternative is to throw the tool away or hone, or hand sand.
There are ball hones and flat stone hones. Which are better and what grit? Some say 2 cycle walls are usually plated.
Some folks say the ball hone might round the edges of the ports. With the flat stones - with they work on a cylinder with ports - as it seems they might become askew and try to enter the ports.
Phone Home Just had to say that LOL
The best hone is a ball hone you get the cross hatches you need and it also will do a neater & cleaner application.Do not hand sand as you will get a uneven job. Honing 2 Cylinder is usually the same as honing a 4 Cylinder except a 2 Cyl if the fuel is not mixed right can cause over heating of the engine causing a warping of the heads and the cyl walls.First of all you need to determine if the cylinder is scored or galled. Generally honing a 2 stroke cylinder is not recommended as most have a coating such as nikasil, a ball hone definitely may not work anyway. The stones will catch in the ports. there are allot of different opinions on this type of hone.
Go to this site it may help.