QuestionI have a Honda Rotary Hoe that I purchased new back in the good ole days. A Honda G200 motor is the power plant, serial number 1651059. I have not had this running for some time now. Recent attempts to start the motor indicated a carby problem.
I dismantled the carby and cleaned it, the needle, fuel lines and fuel tank and reassembled (no screws left over!) but still no go.
The motor will run for a short time when I put fuel in the cylinder but once that is exhausted, the motor stops, indicating that fuel is not passing through the carby.
I have priced a new carby up for $270 but before I spend this, I just wanted to run it past you to see if there is something I am missing or perhaps a easy fix. Would appreciate your help.
AnswerDefinitely a carb issue. Did you blow compressed air from an air compressor through all the carb orifices?
Is the carb plastic or metal? If the carb is metal you can soak it in some industrial carb cleaner but any plastic parts have to be removed as the cleaning solution will destroy the plastic parts.
If you are not comfortable completely dis-assembling and soaking the carb you can always call your local small engine shop and get an estimate for a carb clean/rebuild...just make sure they know you will remove and bring in the carb.