QuestionQUESTION: i have a snow chief red in color good shape electric and gas start 4hp 20 inch path what is the value for this if i want to sell it right now evrything works !! thanks!!
ANSWER: Anthony
do a search online every area has their own prices. If it was in Fla it would be worth nothing now in upstate NY it be worth allot. Check on craigslist.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: okay i am in the chicagoland area !! i am looking fora ballpaek figure good condition evrything works mechanically and is it better to have tracks than tires or it does not matter. someone said they would buy my snow chief for 150 is that a good price or shoule it be higher or lower??
thanks alot!!
AnswerEvery person has their own idea of what good condition is check these links out this will give you a close figure on what you should sell it for. $150.. sounds too cheap tracks is better more grip and traction.