Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): tecumseh 1585 stator alignment, inch gap, spark tester
QuestionS-220 Toro snow blower. How does one test to see if coil is good & how does one properly align the stator?
AnswerI believe you have a two cycle engine. If the engine is newer than 1981, which I believe it is, you can dis-connect the engine shut-off wire (single wire) on the ignition module and check for spark. You can remove the spark plug and ground the tip to check for spark...this is pretty effective but an inline spark tester with a .166 inch gap is better. For the most part if you see spark the ignition module is good.
As for the stator, do you have a charging system on the engine. I don't believe they do but if so let me know. The gap on the ignition module should be .010-.015 of and inch.
Let me know if this helps.