Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): No Crank, jumper cables, safety switches
I have a 2000 John Deere Sabre Hydro 15.5 briggs. Finished mowing and parked it. Went to start it and nothing. Battery new this spring made sure fully charged. Starter will crank with jumper cables from battery. Brake/Clutch, PTO Deck, Seat and Reverse switches all test(continuity)good. Power to solenoid from battery. No power at small terminal when ignition in start / crank position. The solenoid won't even click. Looked over wiring, checked grounds, fuse and ignition switch...all seem to be okay.
AnswerIf there is no power on the solenoid small wire then the solenoid will not connect the battery cable to the starter cable. It has to be a safetey switch problem.
Do you have a voltmeter or 12 volt DC test light? A test light can be quicker if you can access the starter key switch. Is the key switch easy to take out?
When you checked the safety switches, did you disconnect each connector and re-connect them?