Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): reply to previous question/float pin, little seal, float bowl
I put it all back together and this is what happens. It runs and dies only with putting gas in the air filter - not even with starting fluid. It seems like the primer bulb is not doing anything. Gas is getting to the carb with the new fuel line and clean tank. I installed a new needle/seal with the current float. Question, the little seal that comes with the needle goes on the top of the needle - correct? I installed a new gasket between the air filter and the carb. I attached the wires correctly from the engine to the carb. Put a new float bowl gasket on and cleaned the float bowl nut jets with a wire(two holes in the bowl nut). Just seems like no fuel is getting to the engine. Ideas would be appreciated.
Eric A. Jones Subject: needle/seat replacement for Intek B&S Question: How do I replace the needle/seat in the Intek 6.5 HP carb? I've got the carb out - and holding the float. Does the pin on the float come out? Does that open up the old needle/seat to be replaced?
Thanks.. Answer: Yes, the float pin comes out. Some float pins only come out in one direction, or at least it seems. Just tap on the float pin lightly until it starts to move. Tap one direction, if it's tight, try tapping the other direction.
AnswerWhat is your eninge model, type and code number so I can look up you carb. You mentioned wires running to the carb. Is there a anti-afterfire solenoid on your carb? If so, is there power (12 volt DC) going to the solenoid? You should have power going to the solenoid when trying to start the engine.
Send me the engine numbers so I can look up the carb.