Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): John Deere SRX75 clicking when gas pedal presses, grease fittings, wd 40
QuestionHey Ben,
My lawn mower runs and sounds perfect when idling and not in motion. Once I press the pedal to move forward or reverse it will move fine, but makes a loud clicking/racheting noise. The noise does not seem to come from the "rearend" but in the mid to back section. I hope this is not to basic a description or silly expectation to get a proper diagnosis from my noise interpretation.
Thanks in advance!
Check the drive belt pulleys they may be going bad the mandrels may have grease fittings on them grease them if you have them. Spray some wd 40 or any type of lubrication on the bearings,pulleys and anything that has to do with the pedal and drive system