Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): electrical problem, safety switches, service switch

I have a Gravelly 991041-ZT 2660HD. It will not start by sitting in the seat and turning the ignition switch to start. It won't even click or engage the starter unless I also engage the service switch under the seat at the same time I engage the ignition switch. It then turns over and starts. If I press down on the seat to engage the seat switch, I can hear a solenoid or relay click leading me to believe the seat safety switch is OK. Any ideas?


Try By-Passing the seat switch, unplug it and take a paper clip or small wire to make both terminals,touch each other so they will close that loop. If  the Mower starts then your switch is bad. If it does the same thing try to do that for the other switches so you can trace it down to a bad switch. Also take the switches and get a meter to check for continuity on the switch if the switch is open look for no short if then you press the switch and the tester shows continuity then that switch is good, every time you by pass a switch see if it will start,do this with all the safety switches. You can go to sears .com parts look up to see where all the switches are located.